Watch Harold's interview for his curent single, "No, No, No"

Click the EVENTS page to see where you can catch Harold & Co. live! Or if you prefer, you can view the band's EVENTS on the new CALENDAR!!  (STILL UNDER CONSSTRUCTION)



There's a whole lot of shaking going on in the world of the Harold Jones Band.

Welcome to our redesigned website!  We hope you'll enjoy your experience here --- browse updated photos in our GALLERY, check out the new format for upcoming EVENTS and the ABOUT panel includes updated biographies of band members.

We're also excited to announce the recording of Harold Jones's original song, "No, No, No." 

If you can't wait, you can listen to it now on the STORE page. or by visting REVERBNATION.COM, or Apple iTunes!!

Contact us via the CONTACT page for booking information, comments or suggestions. You can also find the Harold Jones Band over on FACEBOOK!